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トップ > 一般工場シート、フィルム > ノビカット No.29000

ノビカット No.29000

商品コード : Novicut No.29000
製造元 : Martor
価格 : 550円 (税込)
ポイント : 5
数量    売り切れ



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製品番号:ノビカット No.29000 
ノビカット No.29000


If you could verbalise you wishes, perhaps they'd go something like this… "A cutting tool for foam and pipe insulation. Disposable would be great. With the highest degree of safety." If you agree, please meet the SECUMAX NOVICUT. The blade is concealed, but its channel is wide. Making this cutter a reliable tool, perfect for cutting thick, soft materials.


Measurements (L x W x H) 76 x 3 x 45 mm
Weight product 6.4 g
Cutting depth 7.4 mm
Basic material Plastic


The SECUMAX NOVICUT is a disposable cutter. Since you do not have to change the blade, you will also not come into contact with it. This also contributes to your safety.



Do you see the rounded nose at the front on the blade connector? Since it is not suitable for piercing, you also cannot get injured when using it. Or damage your goods. There's nothing wrong with that, is there?


Practical helper

Small, light, handy - and still a high value cutting tool. It's not just the sharp quality blade that ensures this, but also the impact resistant plastic from which the cutter is made.



Two more characteristics of the SECUMAX NOVICUT? Its blade runs from top to bottom. And its blade access is particularly wide. You can therefore also cut thick and soft materials especially well with it.


アクセサリー:ハンドルアタッチメント No.10400


  • ハンドルアタッチメント No. 104000 価格:735円税込

    Handle Attachment for Sheet Cutters No. 469, 1469, 2469, 3469, 29000, 62000, 62001, 85000, 85001, 85002.


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